Anime Club was officially deactivated in June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many clubs, declining enrollment and retention rates (as well as...

We're finally back. 2017-2018 Truman Anime Club officially started 25 minutes ago!

The final meeting is May 5th. I hope you come and enjoy it with us. CANDY PRIZE is available to be won at the Oh No! hour game!!!

Ongoing anime is starting today Feb 17, 2017. The winners from the vote are Danmachi, and Baccano! Come and enjoy them with us.

Some of Officer's are moving on to the next stage of life, Others simply can be replaced but if you want to be one you must be have your name nominated...

Anime Club has returned for the spring semester of 2017. Come and enjoy Anime with us friday's at 6pm in Magruder 1000. We'll see you there, food...

Have a nice winter break and come back rested and ready for more Anime Club! We'll miss you!

The last meeting of the year is this friday. Come and watch Non Non Biyori, Hyper Police, and Wolf's Rain. Like the postman rain, sleet, hail or snow...

The Anime Club Winter Party is Saturday December 3rd 6pm to midnight! Come and have fun! There will be a white elephant gift exchange($15-$25). There will...

Our Anime Club Halloween Party is this Saturday 10/22 in Violette Hall's 1400's wing. It starts at 6pm and there will be a Costume Contest at 9pm....