A Truman Student Organization Site
AUG 23 AT 6:00 P.M
IN MG 1000
Craziness will happen 🙂
Demo on the Quad will take place
Aug 22& 23
Be there or be on fire
Sign up sheet here
Beat the heat by staying indoors with these new anime releases.
Here are the results for the in club vote about dues done May 3.
Keep Dues: 8 votes
Suspend Dues for a Semster: 2 votes
Get rid of Dues: 12 votes.
It was a very close call but club will no longer will collect dues! Thank you to everyone that voted.
For those of you who have attended the recent business meetings or taken a glance at the minutes, the idea to abolish paid membership has been brought forth by a few officers. The fact is, the incentive to become a paid member is viewed as poor by some and closes off a good chunk of the club to the average member if they can't afford the fee or don't wish to. Before we delve deeper into the subject, let's have a quick history lesson.
When the Anime club was first established, meetings used to be held in Violette hall. Unfortuatenly, circumstances forced the club to meet in Magruder due to disputes with another club. At the time, Magruder did not have access to projectors, therefore the club decided to enstate a small membership fee in hopes of saving up for and purchasing a projector to view shows.
Yet as luck would have it, Truman went around to upgrade classes with projector systems throughout classrooms in Magruder. Thus the Anime club was sitting on a club fund with no true purpose. Instead, small amounts of funds began to be used toward prizes for the Halloween party or activities for the club's other events but the club still had a surplus after that.
A couple semeseters back, there was a slight debacle over the budget established for advertising which in the end put the club at a loss for the year! Scrambling together, the officers managed to put together the Anime Club artsale with astounding success pulling the club back into the black. Yet what was all this money actually for? The parties that the club held had no use for such amounts on top of the club dues.
Thus sprang forth the idea of using some of the funding to help support a group of anime club members to go to an Anime convention during the school year. The idea was fleeting back and forth a few semesters until this spring it took off. A problem occured with how much would actually be allocated towards this convention. With fears of using up the surplus already gathered, the Anime club dedicated their second art sale to gathering funds for the trip. The money earned was then used to fund for a part of the convention.
Our club earns a modest amount of income based on club dues which over the years has created a bit of an issue. Does our club even need this much money? The amount spent on club parties is slightly over on average with the income generated by membership dues. On the other hand, fund raising events such as the art sale have been incredible assests in raising money for events. A single art sale fundraiser could easily cover the expenses of the club parties. Here's the tricky part; in order for convention trips to happen, the club would need to run even more fundraising events without eating into funding earned by club fees. After all, it isn't right that the few that go on these trips use up the money paid for by all of the members. They too should have a say with how they want the club's funds to be spent.
The removal of paid membership. Right now those who become paid members to Anime Club receive the following benefits:
In this day and age, that isn't much for a person to spend $5 dollars on. It offers no tangible benefit and makes the voting process segregated despite the club being open to everyone. A lot of you may also notice that when voting for our ongoing shows passes, the attendance rate of the club drops drasticly. This is because those who aren't paid members have no control over what becomes a ongoing show, and thus lose interest in the club. Oh No hours also become a chore of pulling teeth to get people to participate since more and more paid members fail to show due to waning interest. Additionally, because only paid members can vote for upcoming officers, there is a skew between who the club as a whole would like to see in office and who actually wins. Every year when we collect dues, we allow the future of our club to be determined by the select group of people who pay for their opnions to have more weight. By removing dues, this may help in fostering a community that isn't seperate by wallets and have a more active member base.
So how would the club be able to afford funding for parties and conventions? It's already been stated but we have a very capable and dedicated crowd of folks that run the art sales and bring in a nice amount. It's entirely possible to hold two art sales a year with one for the club and the other fundraising for outside school activities such as conventions.
When it gets down to it, we really shouldn't worry about money here. We're the anime club and we'll always be able to enjoy doing what we do best. Watching the coolest/cutest/bizaare shows with our friends here at Truman.
We want the entire club's opinion on this drastic change. Give your thoughts and opinions in the official thread.
Should we eliminate club membership dues?
Total Voters: 10
Okay guys it's that time of the year again! Time to PARTY!!!!
The Anime End of Year Party will be May 4th in the VH 1200 wing. Same rules apply as with all parties. If you want to eat you need to bring something (food, drink, and eating utensils) to share with everyone else. NO FREE LOADING.
To make sure we don't end up with sixteen boxes of Dr. pepper just speak up and post what you plan to bring.
I personaly will bring Cake and most likely meatballs.
The time to vote for next year's officer group is upon us. Let your voice be heard for this club changing event.
Official voting will be open until April 12th.
If you have issues voting then please contact us immediately so we can get it sorted out.
It's that time again. To all of our wonderful members at Anime Club of Truman, we need you for the following: design a cool/witty/creative/anime-inspired banner for our website. The winner of this contest will have their banner displayed for the world to see for the entire month of March
Here are the details:
Submit your entries to as a file attachment.
Deadline is Friday, March 1st where we will show off all of the submitted banners in club during announcements for the entire club to vote on.
Shoujo Night is this Saturday, Feb. 23, in MG 1000. We'll start setting up at 6pm and hopefully get the ball rolling at 6:30. Be prepared for overdose proportions of cute, ridiculousness, and sparkles.
Schedule is here: