Forum Replies Created
MemberI will bring plates and napkins and soda of some sort (probably Mountain Dew)
MemberSo let me make sure I am understanding what you are proposing. You think this week we should present to club all three items and then at some point vote upon all three items.
Are you suggesting to vote upon the three items the this week or the next week?
MemberI think this needs to be voted upon within this school year. If the vote fails, then it fails, but at least we would have given the club as a whole (not just who checks th forum) the opportunity to put forth their viewpoint. If it succeeds, then we will be able to enact a new policy at the beginning of the school year instead of enacting it partially through the year and having to refund club members money.
Nothing ever happens quickly in this club because we mull ideas over in business meetings for months upon a time, shooting one idea after another down or letting them be forgotten, without giving the club as a whole input into matters that affect everyone.
MemberSo Summary about what has been going on facebook>>>>
Dylan would like to propose this to club on Friday. Then, on Friday May 3rd, club can vote on the matter in order to come to a decision before the school year ends.
Lydia: I do not think a vote so close to finals would be a good idea. A lot of people will be busy with other things.
Dylan: Well then we do it this week. This needs to be sorted out, or it will not likely be in effect for next year.
Lydia: Wait a year then won't be so bad. It's been stated before that this isn't a change that can happen quickly.
MemberThe money does not matter to me as much as the rest. We have shown that we can make more than our club dues twice within the art sales we have had. Some years will be more difficult than others to make funds so those years we can use saved funds or skimp on our spending or just have more fundraisers to compensate. I understand the need for financial security to cover damages if something terrible were to happen, but I believe that by not allowing the bank account to fall below a certain range would allow us to have that security. We should add a clause into the consitution that states something to the effect.
Why I object to having club dues has nothing to do with the money. Because we have dues we have allowed there to be a hierarchy, two seperate classes of people within the club. You have the members and the paid members. The paid members who give their money to the club and in turn they are given the right to make decisions about what we watch all semester, what events we have all year and who becomes future officers, things that I believe directly relate to the future of the club. To place the future of our club in the hands of only those who pay up seems backwards. We are not a feudal system based upon who has the money and who doesn’t, but it sure seems like sometimes because our current policies value those who pay club dues over those that do not.
Does any body know how many new members we have aquired this year that have actually stuck around? I dont have the exact numbers but I can tell you it is not many. When I look around the room in Anime club, I see the same people that were in club last year. I do not want Anime club to become stagnate. I want us to grow as a group and make many more new friends along the way. And in order to grow, I feel that we have to be willing to let go of some of our old policies in order to make new ones to lead us into the future.