
2012-2013 Oh No Hour Rules

Home Forums Oh No Hour Contests 2012-2013 Oh No Hour Rules

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  • #2662
    Avatar photoGenevieve

    This year, I am instilling a few ground rules for Oh No Hour. The first two are usual but I’m drawing up new rules for Contests Participation so feel free to skip down to #3.

    1) Actual Shows: No hentai or very graphic violence. This is an hour for you to choose whatever you want to watch but please don’t step over the line. If you have any question of where the line is drawn, feel free to approach me (Genevieve), Dylan (the president) or even Jacque.

    2) Oh No Etiquette: unlike the other shows in which we want movie theater etiquette, we encourage chatting, commentary, or loud laughter. However, those who want to watch have to be able to hear it so the club reserves the right to ask you to quiet down. In otherwords, the rules are looser but still respect others.

    3) Contest Rules: First, only members can participate in contests. Second, after winning a contest, you are not allowed to participate in another contest for the next 4 meetings (usually a month) barring any contests in which you can win little prizes but you still cannot win the Oh No Hour. After that time, you are free to participate again. If you win a second time, you are barred from entering the contest again until every member has a chance to win Oh No Hour (same exceptions for smaller prizes apply).

    Have fun!

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photoGenevieve.
    Avatar photoGenevieve


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