

Home Forums Minutes 3/26/2017

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  • #4186

    Meeting called to order at: 1:05 PM
    Officers present: Grayson, Zach, Megan, Molly, Kelly,
    Members present:

    Show Schedule:
    7:00 – 8:00 PM Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! (mild fanservice/bishounen, violence, mild innuendo)
    8:00 – 9:00 PM Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash (violence, fanservice, blood)
    -Oh No! Hour Game-
    9:00 – 10:00 PM DanMachi ep. 11-12 (violence, blood, fanservice)
    10:00 – 11:00 PM Baccano! Ep.11-12 (violence, gore/body horror)
    11:00 – Midnight Abby’s Oh No! Hour

    Next week is last episode. Make plans to fill half hour time slot for next week.
    Ideas: runner-up Daily Life of Highschool Boys, Grab-Bag, Extend Oh No! Hour Game, OVA, etc.

    Book Week:
    Yesterday (3/25/2017)
    Setting this up was good for PR, extroverted tour leading students were good at directing people to the event. It was pretty fun, and it may be a good idea to do more “Manga reading corner” style events in the future.

    Gathering of the Geeks:
    April 1st (saturday), 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM in the Georgian Rooms of the SUB
    Manga reading corner, Zach’s shelf, Make your own fanfiction circle, manga reading (need projector), selling stuff: pocky, food-stuffs, Sara’s stuff

    Study Abroad Opportunity:
    Start club early this week (3/31/2017 start announcements at 6:15 PM)
    Hara-sensei will be giving a presentation about an opportunity to study abroad in Japan over the summer!
    A mention of information from Hara-sensei will be given in the email this week from our President.

    Member Suggestions/Comments:
    –Briana suggestion: discussions about anime, advertising as educational (“more than purely entertainment based” meetings?). Meet and greet time to discuss shows. Sounds cool 🙂 Idea from “super knowledgeable lady at kon”. Legal security. Adair county library permission to host educational showing/anime club meeting.
    –Officer discussion: Would be cool to reach out to the Adair County Library to talk about potential events/fun stuff for the anime community within and outside of Truman. Talking during meet and greet would be awesome! We may also like to use the time (when available) between shows to talk about anime as well.

    Club Fundraising:
    Email Kelly ( what your availability is during the week.
    Even if you are not available to work the booth, you can still help by making something to sell.

    Club Account:
    When can Blake and Zach be reimbursed for the hotel situation at Naka Kon?
    –Zach will get the receipts to Kelly today, so she can move funds around for the account.
    When can the Mascot (and/or future treasurer) be added to the names on the club card?
    –find a time that works for Molly, Jade, and Kelly to meet to work on going to the bank.


    Meeting adjourned at: 1:51 PM

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by usersites.
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