
6th Gen is upon us

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    Avatar photoWindstriker

    Avatar photoHuyu

    Yep. It will be an international release in October. If you want the ad in English go to

    Well, I know I will probably get Fennekin since it is a fox. I also like how Froakie looks like it has glasses. Chespin is cute and also a grass starter that isn’t based off of a reptile.

    Avatar photoDoallem

    I think I heard something about Fennekin being fire/psychic, and all I can think is “FRIGGIN’ FINALLY”. Fire fighting, it had its run, but three generations…? Really?

    Avatar photoWindstriker

    It’s speculated that the second move each starter uses in the trailer will be the secondary type so we’re looking at grass/dark, fire/psychic, and water/fighting.

    Avatar photoHuyu

    Well since there are going to be things revealed on Sundays for the upcoming pokemon games I figured that I might as well start a thread about them so that people that are interested in the games can talk about what has been revealed.

    Which brings me to the newest thing that has been revealed. The Fairy Type, the eighteenth type that is super effective against dragon types.

    Here is a link to the trailer

    Weird, the person talking is missing. Oh well. Though I didn’t realize that it would play the video here. I thought it was just going to be a link.

    Avatar photoWindstriker

    Took them this long to attempt to nerf dragon-types.

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