
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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    Avatar photoWindstriker

    HNI 0020
    Figured I would try a thread about this game for all the people that play on campus.

    Post here to discuss your progress, any items you need, or any items that others may need.


    A little late, but better late than never, right? ^^”
    I have paid off all four houses, have a complete Main Street, and know how to dupe items and Bells… Just in case anyone’s interested in this. I can’t do this through W-Fi like most people on the forum I usually talk on about this game, but I can do wireless >.>
    One of my characters has the full Sweets set and another has the full Gorgeous set (both Gracie furniture sets), so if anyone wants one of these sets, I can dupe them one 🙂

    Avatar photoWindstriker

    Yes! I’ve been wanting to get a hold of the gorgeous set but I haven’t been able to pass the 4th fashion check to even get the final store.

    I have completed blue, exotic, regal, and sleek sets. I also have some sci-fi pieces like the captain’s chair and monitor.

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