
Contest for 4/5/13

Home Forums Oh No Hour Contests Contest for 4/5/13


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  • #3149
    Avatar photoGenevieve

    So to win this contest, you must write a poem.
    It could be free form, haiku, sonnet, w/e (a longer poem will most likely win though…)
    The topic of the poem is: color
    The one rule: you cannot use the name of whatever color word you choose
    So if you want to write a poem to the color red: the word “red” should not appear in any of your poem
    The dead line to submit this poem is April 3rd (Wednesday) at 3:00 PM
    You can either submit by writing a reply on this topic, message me it on Facebook or by emailing me it (
    Please include your name and how many times you’ve won an Oh No Contest.

    Avatar photoGenevieve

    Y’all are no fun 🙁

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