Meeting called to order: 12:12 PM
Officers present: Will, Jackie, Kelly
– next meeting will be October 23rd
Show Order for 10/23/2015
Cute High Earth Defense Club Love
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Snow White with Red Hair 9-10
Assassination Classroom 9-10
Brad’s Oh No! Hour
Naka-Kon Meeting
Last Time: planned fundraising The fundraising plans to start the week after Halloween Party. Will be selling buttons, scarves, homemade baked goods, and possibly hot cocoa or hot apple cider.
– Total hotel cost = $930.81 (~$58 per person).
Danielle sent out poll for tie-breaker. Results in by the online meeting next week (10/18)
-Remember it will be much cheaper if you bring your own shirt
-We will try and do sign up at the next club meeting
WordPress is difficult, need to come up with an outside way to make the website how we want it to be.
Halloween Party:
October 24th (Saturday) from 6:00 PM – Midnight
Violet Hall 1400s wing
Officer’s: Jackie-cutlery, Kelly-napkins, Zach-plates, Iz/Will-beverages, Danni-cups
Costume Contest!
Vote with pixie stix(provided)
3 prizes (Officer’s Pick, Mascot Pick, and Club Pick)
Please keep allergies in mind and label things accordingly (if your costume has latex DO NOT HUG ZACH; he allergic)
Will will rent another projector and screen so that more games can be going on.
Meeting adjourned at: 12:24 PM
This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by