Meeting called to order at: 12:05
Officers present: Madeleine, Jess, Zach, Kelly, Caleb
Members present:
Show Order:
7:00 – 8:00 PM Yugioh Season Zero (psychological horror)
-Another Anime Quiz-
8:00 – 9:00 PM Beautiful Bones (corpses, dead people, some violence, death, heavy)
-Oh No! Hour Contest-
9:00 – 10:00 PM One Punch Man ep. 7-8 (much nude, very muscle, such power)
10:00 – 11:00 PM Wolf’s Rain ep. 7-8 (violence, blood,feels)
11:00 – Midnight Michelle’s Oh No! Hour
Vote this week!
16 people registered for badges
Kelly will send out an email to plan booths and the naka meetings
Naka thread on discord
Fanart Contest:
Slice of Life/School
May submit up to one written one page one-shot, and/or a visual art piece
Submissions open until the end of club on the 7th (this week)
Results after midterm break
Officers as well as club vote
Depending on number of submissions, we will have more/fewer categories to win
Officers can’t vote on the works they have submitted
Works will be set up as anonymous to prevent favoritism in officer or group voting
Voting will be instead of or before the sound tests
Still going strong
We have a Naka thread
Halloween Party:
When: 22nd of October
Where: Violet Hall (wing to be announced)
Auction during the party!
Pres will be requesting the rooms
Costume/Cosplay contest:
Officer’s Pick, Mascot’s Pick, Club Pick
Officers begin compiling anime!
Club Email:
Future club emails will be sent form a non-personal email address to facilitate transferring of contact list.
Anime Quiz:
How well do you know your officers? Zach still needs to submit his
Business Meeting:
Moved to 1:00 PM
President Ketchum is gone
Meeting adjourned at: 12:42 PM
This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by