
Minutes for 10/25/2015

Home Forums Minutes Minutes for 10/25/2015

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  • #3945

    Meeting called to order:
    Officers present: Jackie, Kelly, Will, Danielle, Zach, Iz
    Members present: Jess

    Show Voting!:
    7:00-8:00 PM Magic Kaito (Mild Violence)
    8:00-9:00 PM One Punch Man (Gore, Flash Warning, Violence, and Mosquito Fanservice)
    9:00-10:00 PM Snow White with Red Hair 11-12 (Violence, Fluff, and Feels)
    10:00-11:00 PM Assassination Classroom 11-12 (VIOLENCE, Tentacle Gore, Fanservice, and HEAVY Feels)
    11:00-Midnight Danielle’s Oh No! Hour

    We need to vote on the show to follow Snow White with the Red Hair as this week will be the final episodes of the season.
    Make that slot another grab-bag
    Vote on the runners-up from the earlier ongoing voting
    Double up on Assassination Classroom

    How the Halloween Party Went:
    Was very good! Costumes were great! Good Job!
    – NOTE: Ya’ll brought too much food (we will talk about it in club). Please try not to bring more than one thing so we won’t have a ton of leftovers (if you have extra meals, it would be nice to split your haul with someone unable to bring food). Also, we ran out of drinks pretty fast, we will be asking more people to bring drinks for the next party.

    Christmas Party:
    December 5th! (the Saturday before finals week)
    Gift Exchange! Gifts should be ~$15+ and tradeable/anime or comic related/NOT Food. Keep members in mind when making your purchase, try to get something someone would be happy to get. (you can ask an officer if you are unsure about whether your gift if appropriate)

    Room Lottery:
    Its this week! President Jackie will be bidding to get us our club room for next semester. We will know the results of the lottery late November/early December.

    If you are interested in running for an officer position, it’d be a good to start shadowing the current officer whose position you are interested in fulfilling.

    Previous Naka-Kon Meeting:
    Fundraising booth this coming week
    11:00 AM – 6:00 PM every day
    Violet Hall Monday and Tuesday
    On the Quad for the rest of the week

    The Winner is: Anime block letters behind ‘Anime’ written in japanese!
    Remember it will be much cheaper if you bring your own shirt (Light colors!)
    Sign up will be in email form. Include your name and whether or not you will bring your own T-shirt, if you are not bringing your own shirt you need to tell us your size.

    Danni will send Iz the poster information so they can correct the font.

    Officers will be going over the constitution later this semester, it would be a great opportunity to see what Anime Club is all about, so feel free to join us! Will let you know what day that discussion will be.

    Will has filled out the proper paperwork and all that we need is Uchida Sensei and CSI to approve Will.

    Sound Tests:
    We will talk about sound tests at the meeting this friday

    Meeting adjourned: 1:13 PM

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