
Minutes for 10/5/2016

Home Forums Minutes Minutes for 10/5/2016

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  • #4083

    This Friday
    Need to get the T-shirt designs from Madeleine so that we can vote Friday.**
    Anime quiz – megan to make
    Email – caleb take over email
    Jess to take risk management workshop and
    Caleb will be contact person for the halloween rooms

    Things to say to CSI:
    we no longer have a risk manager because our president is suddenly no longer a student and no longer in the state
    can we do the risk management workshop with a different person?
    What other paperwork still needs to get done or redone
    If they give a shit, Jess can do it, if not Zach can be relay between csi
    How will this change affect our standing mid-semester
    What do we do now that our president has left

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