
Minutes for 10/6/2013

Home Forums Minutes Minutes for 10/6/2013

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    Avatar photoMiyuzaki

    Minutes for 10/6/13
    Officers present: Lydia, Angela, Adam, Daniel, Sara, Nicole
    Meeting called to order at 3:09 PM
    Separate account or savings account for convention purposes?
    Amending the Constitution
    – Membership
    o There are no longer categories of membership
    o Criteria of Membership: Anyone who shows up to a meeting is a member
    – Elections
    o Any member who wishes to run for office within the Anime Club of Truman for the following year may run provided they fit the qualifications described in Article V.7-C.
    o Upon receiving office, the member must be willing to fulfill all duties for the relevant position as described in Article V. Failure to comply will result in the procedure detailed in Article V.F
    o Only members on the current roster are allowed to vote in the elections
    – Officers
    o The treasurer must keep an accurate separation of general club funds and convention trip money in the club’s single financial account
    o The treasurer must provide a document providing information regarding financial and expenditures each month
    o Advertiser is in charge of making sure the copyrighted materials are not used in advertisements
    o The mascot is responsible for the creation of contests to give members a chance to pick a series for an hour slot at the end of the meeting.
    o The webmaster is responsible for maintaining and updating the Anime Club of Truman Website and Facebook page. The webmaster also has the power to delete a post on both the Facebook page or forums that they feel is inappropriate or against club policies
    o The requirements to become an officer are to be a current Truman Student, be currently on the club roster, and have documented evidence of attending at least six meetings within the prior year of their term
    o Removal of an officer requires a complaint from an officer or member with an officer sponser
    o Removal requires a 2/3 majority vote of members present at a meeting that has quorum. Quorum is defined as 1/3 of all members on the current roster
    – Members
    o Special meetings may be called by an officer or a club member with an officer sponsor
    – Finances
    o If the president is not available for authorizing funds, the mascot will authorize use of funds. If the mascot is also not available, then the decision falls to the next available current officer.
    o There are no dues for this club.
    o If the club runs into financial strain, where the club funds drop below 200 dollars, a fundraising event will be held to replenish the funds for club. The fundraising event will be organized by the officers with the treasurer to keep a record of all money to be raised during the event. The treasurer will then report the results to the club.
    o Finances for Convention trips hosted by the club will be separate from general club finances. The treasurer will keep track of all money used and fundraised for club convention trips. Money for both convention trips and general club finances will be kept in one account.
    – Risk Management
    o In the event of an emergency, the President is duty-bound to call DPS and 911 and get the situation under control. If the president is not present, the most available current officer with a phone is designated to call DPS or 911 and get the situation under control. Any officer or member with first-aid skills will tend to the situation until help arrives. If all officers are incapacitated or unavailable, then it is up to members to contact the authorities.
    o Emotional Clause – To avoid emotional distress to all members and present participants at meetings, appropriate warnings and disclaimers will be announced at meetings and posted on the forums prior to viewing of the show. Warnings and disclaimers are needed for graphic content, including both violence, nudity, language, drug use, and sexual content.
    – Article XII – Official Club sponsored anime conventions
    o A. Anime club convention trips will be hosted by the club for members to attend on a voluntary basis
    o B. Members that attend Anime Conventions must buy their own passes but can be included in a group to qualify for a group discount under the club’s name
    o C. Fundraising-other expenditures needed for convention trips will be raised via fundraising as determined by the convention committee. These expenditures will include hotel fees and gas.
     The convention committee will be established by club members interested in organizing a convention trip.
     All members who wish to participate in the convention MUST assist in fundraising in the form of donations and/or time commitment
     All funds raised for convention trips will be kept separate from club funds. If there is a surplus of convention funds after a given trip, the money will roll over into the funds for the next planned convention.
    • D. Withdrawl of funds from the account will be the responsibility of the treasurer
    Show Order: Hataraku Maou-sama!, Sengoku Basara
    Still need to get last Halloween party prize
    Stick with custom made T-shirts
    Secretary will edit draft of constitution and send it to president and webmaster
    Meeting adjourned at 4:51 PM

    If anyone has any additions, corrections, or deletions for this week’s minutes, please let me know.

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