Meeting called to order at: 1:01 PM
Officers present: Megan, Jess, Zach, Caleb
Members present:
Show Order:
7:00 – 8:00 PM Devil’s a Part Timer (mild violence, extra-mild fanservice)
8:00 – 9:00 PM Ace Attorney (murder, fanservice, gay theme song)
Oh No! Hour Contest –
9:00 – 11:00 PM Wolf’s Rain ep. 23-26 (angst, sadness, violence, death)
11:00 – Sarah‘s Oh No! Hour
9 people interested. Megan will be sending out an email to ask people if they will be bringing their own shirt to get printed upon. We will talk to Bad Acids about prices and get back to you.
Gathering of the Geeks:
Won’t hear about more until room lottery is done.
Fundraising the week we get back from Thanksgiving.
Wolf’s Rain:
OVA episodes next time to finish the series.
Christmas Party:
December 3rd (the Saturday we get back from Thanksgiving Break)
Violet Hall 1400s wing
6:00 PM – Midnight
White Elephant ~$20 (15-25ave)
-Can’t be just food
-try to get things you think multiple people would like to get
Equivalent Exchange
Officer Stuff:
Will most likely need to do elections.
Meeting Adjourned at: 1:29 PM