Meeting called to order at: 12:02
Officers present: Jackie, Danni, Kelly, Will, Zach, and Iz(skype)
Members present:
Show Schedule – Friday November 27th
7:00-8:00 PM Himouto! Umaru-chan
8:00-9:00 PM Yona of the Dawn (Blood and Violence)
9:00-10:00 PM Ao no Exorcist (Violence, Blood, Death, and Sadness)
10:00-11:00 PM Assassination Classroom 17 & 18 (Some Violence, Feels, and Fanservice)
11:00-Midnight Molly’s Oh No! Hour
Print club will NOT provide a shirt, it is your responsibility to attain one in time. Danielle will be sending out an email to inform you of T-shirt information.
Christmas Party:
-Saturday, December 5th (Saturday before finals week)
-6:00 pm – Midnight, in Violet Hall 1400s wing
-Equivalent exchange is still in effect. NOTE: you should only bring enough for half a dozen people, if you bring a lot of food it would be nice of you to use it to mark someone who didn’t bring any so that they may eat as well (this is up to you, we can’t make you share)
-Gift Exchange from 9:00-10:00pm- white elephant style party game wherein everyone wishing to play brings a present (~$15-20). Please try to find presents that aren’t too obscure or size exclusive so that whoever gets it may enjoy it! (if you make food, include any and all allergy information)
No Meeting On November 20th!!!!
-We love you all, but we will be stuffing our faces with food (Thanksgiving)
Brigadoon – needs to be screened fully
Meeting adjourned: 12:20 PM