Meeting called to order at: 1:05 AM
Officers present: (Megan hear before meeting but can’t stay because chior), Jess, Zach, Caleb, Kelly
Members present:
Show Order:
7:00-8:00 PM Hetalia Axis Powers (bishounen, innuendo, nationalist satire)
-Another Anime Quiz-
8:00-9:00 PM Wandering Son (FEELS)
-Oh No! Hour Contest-
9:00-11:00 PM Wolf’s Rain ep. 19-22 (violence, angst, sadness)
11:00-Midnight Caleb’s Oh No! Hour
Meetings at 3:00 PM to try an accommodate people’s schedules.
No more sales of Chelsea’s stuff. Thank you to those who participated! We hope you liked the stuff.
Would be open to members selling their art in club thought it wouldn’t get an hour time slot to do so.
Gathering of the Geeks:
April first, potential fundraising and sales, mini cosplay contest, games, anime, can’t bring food
Officer Stuff:
May need emergency election
Winter Party:
December 10th (saturday before finals)
-Webmaster to get the rooms this week
White Elephant Gift Exchange
-try to keep it around $20 (between 15-25)
-try and get things that aren’t solely food
-be thoughtful and try to find things that multiple people would like
Equivalent Exchange
-bring food if you wanna eat food!
-you need not bring a huge amount of food
Meeting Adjourned: 1:22PM