Meeting called to order at: 1:03 PM
Officers present: Megan, Zach, Kelly, Caleb
Members present: Grayson
Show Order:
7:00 – 8:00 PM Nanbaka (mild violence,
8:00 – 9:00 PM My Hero Academia (mild violence, mild fanservice, blood)
-Oh No! Game-
9:00 – 10:00 PM Ongoing #1
10:00 – 11:00 PM Ongoing #2
11:00 – Midnight Jade’s Oh No! Hour
Ongoing Show Voting:
Voting opened during club 2/10/2017
Voting will be open until: Wednesday at midnight
We have this many votes so far: 7
What’s it look like?: Danmachi(5) and Baccano!(4), three shows currently tied for third at (3).
Bring Megan the items to be printed upon by/at the next club meeting (2/17/2017)
Raised $57 last week!
Will we do another round of fundraising? (we have 3-4 weeks until convention)
How is Naka business going? Still have ~$800 left to try and raise (for those you will get the fundraising discount.
Book Week:
Brainstorm some ideas: discussion on manga basics, differences between manga and western, history of manga, how to read, art styles, breakdown of page and symbols
Will there be a time constraint? When will it be held? No one knows!
Gathering of the Geeks:
Brainstorm some ideas: manga reading corner, cosplay contest, anime crafts, karaoke
Selling Ourselves to the Masses:
Megan edited poster then look into cost on Tuesday
Find out how to go about chalking
Advertising booth
If we do fundraising – do after Naka
Look into volunteering to replace naka?
Events that get us money $
Regular Elections:
Result of nominations 2/10/2017
-pres: Megan
-mascot: Molly
-treasurer: Jade, Cthulhu
-secretary: Zach
-advertiser: Grayson, Cthulhu
-webmaster: Caleb
Voting to occur at the next club meeting 2/17/2017
-ask for more nominations in club
Questions? Comments? Concerns? What do the officers actually do?
Grayson: How to T-shirts? Megan: Join me in this endeavor.
No other officer nominees (that aren’t already current officers) present.
Kelly brought previous amendments to constitution document.
Reviewed changes previously
Edited version sent to webmaster to put on website
Meeting adjourned: 1:56 PM