
Minutes for 2/26/2017

Home Forums Minutes Minutes for 2/26/2017

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    Meeting called to order at: 1:04 PM
    Officers present: Megan, Kelly, Molly, Grayson, Zach, Caleb
    Members present:

    Show Order:
    7:00 – 8:00 PM Princess Jellyfish (partial nudity)
    8:00 – 9:00 PM Charlotte (mild fanservice, angst/feels)
    -Oh No! Hour Game-
    9:00 – 10:00 PM DanMachi ep. 7-8 (violence, blood, fanservice)
    10:00 – 11: 00 PM Baccano! ep. 7-8 (violence, mild fanservice, gore/body horror)
    11:00 – Midnight Kaitlin’s Oh No! Hour

    Naka Kon:
    Finished fundraising for hotel costs.
    Naka is March 10-12
    Kelly calculating what people owe.
    Jess to pick up badges. People can get their number so they can get badges. Talk during Naka meeting about the time people are leaving/planning to get to the convention center.

    Fundraising for the Club:
    After Naka Kon
    Need to do emergency fundraising (see constitution)
    Kelly will check to see if there are fundraising opportunities the week after book week.

    News from kit? We don’t know….
    Megan will see here today and hopefully plans will happen.
    2 people still owe money for t-shirts
    Date of completion unknown

    Book Week:
    March 25th right (Saturday)
    More information to come.

    Gathering of the Geeks:
    There was a meeting wherein president attended. We need to finalize what we are gonna do, in order to plan our “booth” in the Georgian Room. We could sell: old anime merch (cannot copy things!),
    What to do: Cosplay contest?-not enough opportunity for advance notice
    Manga reading corner? -this one seems very likely to happen
    Theme foods for sale
    We don’t know the time frame of the Gathering
    Ask club members

    Social Media:
    Mention our facebook page to the club?
    Put link to website/show schedule on FB post?
    Will social media help this club?

    Meeting adjourned at: 1:50 PM

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