
Minutes for 4/14/2013

Home Forums Minutes Minutes for 4/14/2013

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    Avatar photoMiyuzaki

    Minutes for 4/14/13
    Meeting started at 5 PM
    Sara, Daniel N., Angela, Josh, Dylan, and Nicole present.
    Lydia (excused) and Adam absent
    Karneval first, then Shingeki no Kyojin
    No new show suggestions
    Secretary will work out website problem with Admin later
    End of Year party – new president’s job – piñata
    – Limit of $30 for pinata
    General initiation for new officers
    Transfer of Treasurer's account from Lilia to Sara
    – New president and mascot also allowed access to account?
    – Bring in financial reports once per month
    – Future art sales should make formal profit report to the business meetings
    Oh No hour contest
    – Scavenger hunts?
    – Mascot should post new Oh No hour contest on forum and who won last time
    Members encouraged to post interesting new anime/Japanese things/articles on website
    Challenge to new officers:
    – Find way to remove $5 membership charge (separation between paid membership, membership)
    • Vote on this before the end of the year
    • Large budget should be voted on by entire club
    • Use membership money to update show collection, get membership for anime website like Crunchyroll?
    • Possible compilation of list members would like to see
    Get show donations from members Ask members for possible show donations (corrected 4/17/13)
    • Have people bring flash drives to club to get stuff from library?
    • Suggest shows many days beforehand, preferably by Monday or Tuesday before club meetings
    • Split job to get shows between people
    Future Cons
    – Members going to con should donate or spend at least 1 hour at art sales
    – President, mascot, and secretary go with people who reserve room for party
    Reserve room through CSI main office at Violett Hall (corrected 4/17/13)
    Get nametags for officers
    At least one officer should become admin of Facebook group
    Members should come to officer meetings
    Advice for officers from Dylan will be posted on forum
    Secretary will get Anime Club back up on Truman Club Roster
    Try to produce community in Anime club
    Meeting adjourned at 6:08 PM

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photoMiyuzaki.
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photoMiyuzaki.
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photoMiyuzaki.
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photoMiyuzaki.
    Avatar photoMiyuzaki

    Oh, and if anyone has any corrections or additions that they feel should be added to this week’s minutes, please let me know.

    Avatar photoBarbwire

    A note on the room for the end of year party. It is not reserved through the CSI. You have to go the the main office in VH directly to reserve the room. I will do this personally.

    Avatar photoGenevieve

    With the “vote on this before the new year” are members allowed in on this? Because club “donations” get an adamant ‘no’ from me personally. Actually, a lot of it gets a ‘no’ from me now that I think about it…

    Avatar photoWindstriker

    With the “vote on this before the new year” are members allowed in on this? Because club “donations” get an adamant ‘no’ from me personally. Actually, a lot of it gets a ‘no’ from me now that I think about it…

    Why would it be considered "bad" for members to donate shows? Or do you mean the donation for art sales?

    Elaborate on this.

    Avatar photoGenevieve

    Well, how many people do you know would donate shows for club? I think it could potentially cause black lash especially for new members to club next year. Unless I’m misinterpreting it? Then by all means, elaborate what was being talked about at the business meeting I could not attend.

    Avatar photoWindstriker

    Are you assuming that club would require all members to donate shows? The club should be more active in asking members if they have any shows that they could add to the library which could cut down on streaming/torrenting for future members.

    Besides that, this is the first time that Miyazaki has posted minutes for our club and I think she’s done a great job. If something seems vague for those who can’t attend the meetings then asking for a little clarification first would be more beneficial than saying certain ideas are “bad” right away. That’s what a forum is for after all.

    Avatar photoDoallem

    I don’t see how there would be backlash… We are not forcing people to donate anything. That would be called a tax. Nay, what we were proposing was something more akin to what Jacque has done for us time and time again. She has given me on different occasions shows in digital format to put in the library. Not because I made her do it because she is a member, but because she is rad.

    You are faulting a person for not elaborating on a business meeting that lasted an hour, in which productive things were discussed the whole time. For her to elaborate would cause the minutes to become a dissertation. The minutes would need a thesis, some body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

    Avatar photoMiyuzaki

    Sorry, Genevieve, I could have worded that better. Thank you for pointing that out. Also, thank you to lmb (Lydia, right?) for pointing out the CSI error. I will amend these and note the corrections in the minutes.

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