Meeting called to order at: 1:04 PM
Officers present: Megan, Grayson, Jade, Zach, Kelly, Caleb
Members present:
Show Schedule:
7:00 – 8:00 PM Dog Days (mild violence, fanservice, bad puns)
8:00 – 9:00 PM Myriad Colors Phantom World (fanservice, violence)
-Oh No! Hour Game-
9:00 – 10:00 PM GRAB BAG (DLHB, DNAngel, D-Frag) (potential: fanservice, violence, innuendo
10:00 – 11:00 PM Daily lives of Highschool Boys ep.TBD (dirty jokes, innuendo)
11:00 – Midnight Audrey’s Oh No! Hour
*Get shows possible, club vote during announcements
Vice Presidency:
Not going to replace Molly until the fall semester. Keep Kelly on the account until replacement achieved. President to take over Oh No! Game until replacement of VP. Secretary to help Treasurer and future VP with the spring anime convention.
Business Meetings:
Continue to be at 1:00 PM on Sunday, Jade no longer has work on Sundays
Club Fundraising:
Fundraising is over for the semester
Relatively successful this week: made over $30
Update our goods: Customers at booth would like more current fandom theme buttons. Kelly’s sister is an artist that Kelly is trying to get to make buttons. Clearance the old buttons, if get new buttons. SUB supposedly has a button maker.
Dues will be $5.00/semester
due date 4 meetings after the Activities Fair, can act as full member until dues due
As a full member:
Be on the club roster
Allowed to vote on shows and club business
Run for office
Compete for club-sponsored prizes at club parties
Club Finances:
Kelly will contact Blake today.
Will try to pay Zach back next week.
Jade is one the card!!!! Woot! Woot! Holla!
End of Year Party:
Pinata, hated animated characters (submit by end of club)
Equivalent Exchange
Officers bring: utensils, paper plates, napkins
Avoid chip-ocalypse
This coming Saturday (April 29th, 6-midnight, VH1400’s)
Get Zach your show suggestions!!! ASAP
Meeting adjourned at: 2:15 PM