
Minutes for 4/28/2013

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    Avatar photoMiyuzaki

    Minutes for 4/28/13
    Josh, Daniel, Lydia, Adam, Angela, Dylan, Sara, Nicole present.
    Members present: Courtney
    Meeting started at 5:09 PM
    Gargantia first, then Accel World, then 4 episode of Steins;Gate
    First Friday, fall semester, have officer’s picks night?
    –    1 hour per officer
    –    Variety
    –    Also have officer’s picks specialty night?
    –    Games in between shows
    Booth on the Quad
    –    Watermelon smashing?
    –    Old members free swing
    –    New people 50 cents
    –    Donate smashed watermelons to compost people
    –    First week of semester
    –    10-2 or 10-3
    –    Get giant tent that was used last year
    –    Sign up sheet for help
    –    Lydia: get melons
    –    Scratch this, get for future party?
    Send gift to Genevieve’s, Megan’s families as thanks for hosting Anime St. Louis people
    –    Small fruit basket?
    –    Cards?
    –    Everyone chip in a few bucks?
    All announcements should go on both Facebook and forum
    –    Especially major alterations to normal business
    Brainstorming new specialty nights
    –    Jacque’s Japanese cultural night
    –    Old school sci-fi?
    –    Public Studio Ghibli night?
    –    Mascot put on the bank account along with Treasurer?
    –    Can advisor send letter to bank saying X is on bank account for current year?
    –    Checks need to be signed by both President and Treasurer
    –    Card should arrive in mail sometime this week
    Business Meetings
    –    3 PM on Sundays
    Vote for Club Dues
    –    Paper ballot during club on Friday
    –    If people can’t attend, have vote + signature on piece of paper for club
    –    Preferably only 1 con per year
    –    Next year, get cheap hotel room rather than driving back and forth?
    –    Have passengers pay driver some amount of money so doesn’t all come out of pocket, then reimburse?
    –    Front drivers small amount of money?
    –    Helping at fundraiser will be required for people to go to cons
    –    Schedule for large trips
    o    Specific schedule for things that require drivers
    –    Whatever funds raised = budget for trip
    –    Partial reimbursement based on heads / vehicle?
    –    Give sort of expected budget to people who want to go, members raise more, spend less out-of-pocket
    –    Club vote, quickly (first few weeks) decide which con to go to
    o    Presentation?
    o    Check dates
    –    Survey to con-goers to ask about experience
    Meeting adjourned at 5:58 PM

    If anyone has any additions, corrections, or deletions for this week's minutes, please let me know.

    Avatar photoDoallem

    There was talk at the meeting of having the booth on the quad be in conjunction with the SCA, the people we hosted this event with last year. I would like to point something out, as I do not know if everybody was aware. That is not our event, it did not start as our event. It is the event of the Society for Creative Anachronisms, and we are their guests. It is their event, and their tent that we used. Be mindful if you follow through with being a part of this, not to divert too much from those who let Anime Club take part.

    Avatar photoHuyu

    Is this about just the general rule of thumb or about us thinking of doing watermelon smashing? Because the watermelon smashing can have its date change. Or was this about us trying to think of a time, because for that yeah we should try to coordinate with SCA for when it works for them as well.

    On a side note (and since I’m not sure where to put it) bank stuff has been taken care of, so Daniel is now also on the bank along with me. I forgot all about checks but I think maybe have the club vote on if they think that would be a good idea.

    Also, something that I forgot to mention at the officers meeting, something for next year, Shojo Night used to be like the Halloween Party, Christmas Party, and the End of the Year Party where it had three rooms and people brought food to it and hang out.

    Avatar photoDoallem

    My post was just a general thing, for those who were not present last year or may not have known. We were trying to come up with the specifics at our own business meeting, but it’s not our event in the first place. We are guests, though.

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