
Minutes for 8/24/2014

Home Forums Minutes Minutes for 8/24/2014

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  • #3767

    Minutes for 8/24/2014
    Meeting called to order at 4:01 PM
    Officers present: Jackie, Andrew, Kelly
    Members:Daniel N, Elizabeth R, Lydia Buck
    Another election for the positions of Mascot and Advertiser
    Keep tabs on the roster list.
    Nominations for Mascot: Elizabeth Rounkles,
    Advertiser: No flyers anymore, chalking will be the primary mode of advertising. We must discuss the technicalities with CSI. Allowed this Saturday. Check with CSI for chalking restrictions.
    Emergency Election for Mascot:
    In-Club Elections.
    Nominations, then speeches, then polls for the week.
    Nominations this Friday, last minute is 5th September. Do the votes by the 12th.

    Aldnoah Zero
    The World God Only Knows
    Akame ga Kill.
    Oh No! Hour: Bryant

    Activities Fair Times: 1:00 to 4:00
    Be there by 12:30.
    Set up a spreadsheet for members to work at the table
    Meeting Adjourned at 4:32

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