Meeting called to order at: 3:00 PM
Officers present: Megan, Kelly, Madeleine, Caleb, Jess
Members present:
Show Order:
7:00 – 8:00 PM Hunter x Hunter (violence)
8:00 – 9:00 PM Magi: Labyrinth of Magic (innuendos, violence, groping) ((we will watch the censored version))
– Oh No! Hour Contest-
9:00 – 10:00 PM Seven Deadly Sins (violence, groping, lewd jokes)
10:00 – 11:00 PM Mob Psycho 100 (“surrealness”, sexual content, and body horror)
11:00 – Midnight Megan and Iz’s Oh No!
Activity Fairs:
need people, only officers and Molly currently, try get two per slot
we do have a table, find out where at signup
stuff to bring to table
pay up front for hotel room payment, return as fundraising progresses?
Contact info: emails and phone number, at least to treasurer/Kelly
Sign up for interest at the next meeting: September XX, 2016
Discord has a Naka text channel
Voluntary art commissions from members
potentially get percentage of profit
officers evaluate art samples
Naka specifics to be mentioned meeting after upcoming one
Add discord to announcements:
We plan to accept shirt designs until late September, at least as sketches, potentially 23rd’s deadline (30th at the latest if we need to extend)
Try start voting by September 30th/31st
Try ending voting October 22nd
Get final/finished copy of design from winner by about November 5th (if it isn’t already a final one)
Move officer meeting time to 1pm:
Adding “forever” discord invite in emails:
Anime club email for president:
how to handle, have each new president change the password, change the emergency email for it to their own
issues with potentially being sent to spam by truman email?
could add to poster, since isn’t going to change
try to make it “anime club at truman” for its name (like animeclubattruman@gmail)
Sound Test:
short this week, good amount of announcements to do
Meeting adjourned at: 4:08pm