
Minutes for 8/28/2016

Home Forums Minutes Minutes for 8/28/2016

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  • #4026

    Meeting called to order at: 3:00 PM
    Officers present: Megan, Kelly, Madeleine, Caleb, Jess
    Members present:

    Show Order:
    7:00 – 8:00 PM Hunter x Hunter (violence)
    8:00 – 9:00 PM Magi: Labyrinth of Magic (innuendos, violence, groping) ((we will watch the censored version))
    – Oh No! Hour Contest-
    9:00 – 10:00 PM Seven Deadly Sins (violence, groping, lewd jokes)
    10:00 – 11:00 PM Mob Psycho 100 (“surrealness”, sexual content, and body horror)
    11:00 – Midnight Megan and Iz’s Oh No!

    Activity Fairs:
    ­ need people, only officers and Molly currently, try get two per slot
    ­we do have a table, find out where at sign­up
    ­stuff to bring to table

    pay up front for hotel room payment, return as fundraising progresses?
    ­Contact info: e­mails and phone number, at least to treasurer/Kelly
    ­Sign up for interest at the next meeting: September XX, 2016
    ­Discord has a Naka text channel
    ­Voluntary art commissions from members
    potentially get percentage of profit
    officers evaluate art samples
    ­Naka specifics to ­be mentioned meeting after upcoming one

    Add discord to announcements:

    ­We plan to accept shirt designs until late September, at least as sketches, potentially 23rd’s deadline (30th at the latest if we need to extend)
    ­Try start voting by September 30th/31st
    ­Try ending voting October 22nd
    ­Get final/finished copy of design from winner by about November 5th (if it isn’t already a final one)

    Move officer meeting time to 1pm:

    Adding “forever” discord invite in e­mails:

    Anime club e­mail for president:
    ­how to handle, have each new president change the password, change the emergency e­mail for it to their own
    ­issues with potentially being sent to spam by truman e­mail?
    ­could add to poster, since isn’t going to change
    ­try to make it “anime club at truman” for its name (like animeclubattruman@gmail)

    Sound Test:
    ­short this week, good amount of announcements to do

    Meeting adjourned at: 4:08pm

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