
September 2, 2012

Home Forums Minutes September 2, 2012

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  • #2702

    Discuss with the club what we want to do our first specialty night on. 

    Discuss what we want to be the ongoing series specialty nights.  Somebody please come up with a better term for these. 

    9/14 will be the last full night of grab bags and then voting will start

    9/21 will be the first night for ongoing series

    9/15 is family day.  We must break tradition and not plan anything during this day.

    Pokemon night mid/late october, early november

    Art sale during the spring semester, give the artists Christmas break to work on things.  Late march, early April.

    Specialty nights–

    cosplay (do this right before halloween party)

    strategy night (risk, etc.)

    videogame based anime night (tales of _______)

    Look up cons in Stl.

    Sub v dub

    Switching time slots


    Avatar photoJacque

    Are there anymore minutes to report after this date? :3


    I’m getting to it. Game of Thrones and Keruac swamped me. They’ll be up tomorrow

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