Show Order
Darker than Black
Sankarea (explicit content warning)
Grab bag list:
Rinne no lagrange(Last Chance)
Clannad(Last Chance)
Revolutionary Girl Utena(Dropped)
Mawaru Penguin Drum(Last Chance)
Ergo Proxy
Anime Club goes to Con
< >Preregister 30$
Prices for weekend passesGoes up by $5
$50 at door for entire weekend
March 15th through 17th
Overland Park, Kansas City
Hotel rates not known yet
Group rates $35 until November 30th
Group rate with minimum 7 members starts Oct. 1.
$30 for each person
Pokemon Night
Video game tournament
Rental teams available for 4th and 5th gen
figure prizes
Card game tournament
25 minute limits
Pokemon Best wishes movie
Halloween Night
Smashing fruit, etc.
Room RSVP confirmation(Violette hall)
Food/supplies sign up sheet needed(forum and at meeting)
Plates, forks, etc
Jackque has cups to bring, not as needed
Banner contest to be announced at next meeting
Unofficial meeting October 12th
Make sure we have RSVP on this date
Free for all showing within reason
Ongoing shows are postponed till the week after
This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by