
Show Schedule for September 23, 2016

Home Forums Show Schedule Show Schedule for September 23, 2016

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  • #4065

    6:00 – 6:30 PM Meet and Greet

    6:30 – 7:00 PM Show Suggestions, Announcements, Sound Tests, Voting

    7:00 – 8:00 PM Trigun (violence, dirty jokes)
    Vash the Stampede is the man with a $$60,000,000 bounty on his head. The reason: he’s a merciless villain who lays waste to all those that oppose him and flattens entire cities for fun, garnering him the title “The Humanoid Typhoon.” He leaves a trail of death and destruction wherever he goes, and anyone can count themselves dead if they so much as make eye contact—or so the rumors say. In actuality, Vash is a huge softie who claims to have never taken a life and avoids violence at all costs.
    With his crazy doughnut obsession and buffoonish attitude in tow, Vash traverses the wasteland of the planet Gunsmoke, all the while followed by two insurance agents, Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson, who attempt to minimize his impact on the public. But soon, their misadventures evolve into life-or-death situations as a group of legendary assassins are summoned to bring about suffering to the trio. Vash’s agonizing past will be unraveled and his morality and principles pushed to the breaking point.
    Trigun photo Trigun_zpsd9bwa1zi.jpg

    8:00 – 9:00 PM 91 Days (violence, blood, non-graphic corpses, consensual whipping)
    During Prohibition, the law held no power and the mafia ruled the town.
    The story takes place in Lawless, a town thriving on black market sales of illicitly brewed liquor. Avilio returns to Lawless after some time away, following the murder of his family in a mafia dispute there.
    One day, Avilio receives a letter from a mysterious sender, prompting him to return to Lawless for revenge. He then infiltrates the Vanetti family, the ones responsible for his family’s murder, and sets about befriending the don’s son, Nero, to set his vengeance in motion.
    Killing brings more killing, and revenge spawns more revenge. How will the 91-day story of these men guided by a tragic fate end?
    91 Days photo 91 Days_zpsvj6dppgz.jpg

    –NOT Oh No! Game–

    9:00 – 10:00 PM Ongoing #1 (below is a random gif! Ongoing will be announced later)
    gif d photo gif d_zpsdqtwlzev.gif

    10:00 – 11:00 PM Ongoing #2 (below is a random gif! Ongoing will be announced later)
    gif e photo gif e_zpsixfcpm92.gif

    11:00 – Midnight Abby’s Oh No! Hour
    gif f photo gif f_zps0ccil2nb.gif

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by usersites.
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