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  • #2523
    Avatar photoGenevieve

    It’s summer!  Or at least coming close for most poor unfortunate souls.  But we all know what this means…NO HOMEWORK!  So maybe this summer, this shall come down to WATCHING ALL THE ANIME!!


    …yeah, I don’t think we will be able to (in one summer?!) but it’s nice to have a goal.

    Anyway, this thread is going to be A) What you are watching (old shows or new shows) [may want to say whether it came out this summer or something], B) If it’s good/recommendable, and C1) If you want to torrent it yourself to add to the anime library or C2) if you want a more experience torrenter download it for you (say a top-hat wearing president or a fedora sporting secretary) in order to add it to anime library.

    That being said…


    I saw all of Hitalia, Axis Powers. It was awesome!

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