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  • in reply to: Mecha Night (9/28/2013) #3480
    Avatar photoHuyu

    Here’s another one, Valverave.

    in reply to: Fall 2013 Events #3471
    Avatar photoHuyu

    I will suggest Watermelon Smashing. I know the other officers have heard this idea but I figure club members should hear it to.

    It is something that our club used to do.

    in reply to: Fall 2013 Semester Plans #3428
    Avatar photoHuyu

    Just figured that I put this here since not everyone checks our Facebook page. The plan seems to be to have the Officer’s Meeting on Wed be at 7pm in the main lounge of Ryle. So if this does not work for anyone please speak up.

    in reply to: Fall 2013 Semester Plans #3422
    Avatar photoHuyu

    What time would the meeting on Wednesday be? I would suggest sometime in the evening since that is one of the move in days. So, since move in ends at 5pm sometime after that would probably be best.

    in reply to: 6th Gen is upon us #3399
    Avatar photoHuyu

    Well since there are going to be things revealed on Sundays for the upcoming pokemon games I figured that I might as well start a thread about them so that people that are interested in the games can talk about what has been revealed.

    Which brings me to the newest thing that has been revealed. The Fairy Type, the eighteenth type that is super effective against dragon types.

    Here is a link to the trailer

    Weird, the person talking is missing. Oh well. Though I didn’t realize that it would play the video here. I thought it was just going to be a link.

    in reply to: Minutes for 4/28/2013 #3384
    Avatar photoHuyu

    Is this about just the general rule of thumb or about us thinking of doing watermelon smashing? Because the watermelon smashing can have its date change. Or was this about us trying to think of a time, because for that yeah we should try to coordinate with SCA for when it works for them as well.

    On a side note (and since I’m not sure where to put it) bank stuff has been taken care of, so Daniel is now also on the bank along with me. I forgot all about checks but I think maybe have the club vote on if they think that would be a good idea.

    Also, something that I forgot to mention at the officers meeting, something for next year, Shojo Night used to be like the Halloween Party, Christmas Party, and the End of the Year Party where it had three rooms and people brought food to it and hang out.

    in reply to: Fortune Cookie's fortunes #3237
    Avatar photoHuyu

    What was the previous cookie’s fortune that you are to ignore?

    in reply to: Fortune Cookie's fortunes #3150
    Avatar photoHuyu

    Fortune: Keep your plans secret for now.
    My plans are apparently so secret that even I didn’t know about them.

    in reply to: February 23, 2013–Shoujo Night #3091
    Avatar photoHuyu

    You might want to change the Honey and Clover’s description since the oldest male is 24 years old, the same as Jacque, while the youngest is 18 years old. It is making Jacque feel old.

    in reply to: February 10, 2013 #3081
    Avatar photoHuyu

    With the movies for Ghibli Night that was basically me recalling what we had planned for if we were doing it on campus. But the event is up and more info is available on the Facebook page.

    in reply to: One Piece Discussion (Spoilers) #3075
    Avatar photoHuyu

    I have gotten a response! I am no longer talking to myself.

    Yes, Aoikiji shows up. I should check deviantArt and Tumbler to see what new shippings have been created due to the last chapter.

    Everyone has been having such great facial expressions within this last chapter.

    in reply to: February 3, 2012 #3074
    Avatar photoHuyu

    Jacque suggests getting all the ones that look like they could win. If it only has one vote don’t bother getting it. She also says to get all of the show at once as soon as you know what you’ll need. Also, get the third place show so that if one of them finishes during the semester that there won’t be a problem starting up the next show.

    in reply to: February 3, 2012 #3071
    Avatar photoHuyu

    Oh, yeah, if Hellsing Ultimate has a chance of winning you don’t need to bother getting it since I have Jacque’s DVD of it.

    in reply to: February 3, 2012 #3070
    Avatar photoHuyu

    Basically look at which shows are in the lead, figure out how many people still need to vote, and how many votes it would take to change the outcome. So, basically tell them the shows that have a chance of winning. If it is clear that no matter how people vote a show won’t get in don’t tell them that show.

    So, yeah, not just the two that are in the lead but any show that could pass them by.

    in reply to: One Piece Discussion (Spoilers) #3068
    Avatar photoHuyu

    New One Piece chapter is out a day early, but there won’t be a new chapter next week.

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