
February 3, 2012

Home Forums Minutes February 3, 2012

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  • #3058

    Shoujo Night Feb 23rd

    Hiyokoi (intro)
    Honey and Clover
    Say I love you (whatever the hell jap name is)
    Sailor Moon R (Japanese)

    Jacque + Sara’s specialty night
    Ghibli Night Feb 16th @ Jacque’s house

    Make sure to let Lydia/Lilia know what shows are likely to be ongoing by Thurs, we want to give them enough time to get the next two episodes.

    Can we make sure that the newsletter goes out before Friday morning? Like by Wed night?

    Voting for ongoing vs grab bags at club

    Fairy Tail
    Sword Art Online

    Ongoing 1
    Ongoing 2

    Jacque suggested Gravitation
    John suggested Flying Trapeze
    Travis suggested Tiger and Bunny

    Voting for ongoing closes Friday at noon
    Want to know if we can include total number of votes instead of presentation, not running numbers to skew voting
    Want to limit ties
    Advertiser is working on poster and going to get it stamped, scanned and printed

    Magic night: planning on making a survey to garner interest and whether we want to sponsor, one person might be offended, conclusion: need to get more info, Chaz says association is fine but not hosting = false advertising (cause problem with campus people), want to do a fundraisers? But what for? Con? We got to be open minded and not crossing boundaries

    We can buy button maker or get copy right materials

    1) interest, 2) Can set price just to cover booster packs, 3) what money is for

    People like cookies

    Anime St. Louis Con meeting summarized

    Art Sale: reserved dates? During week or weekend? Want the same spot as last year. Want 2-3 days, Wed-Thurs def, Tues-Friday maybe Jacque has part of table
    Where are files?

    T-shirts are due Friday, the eighth, we want artistic tshirts, inside joke for inside vs outside people
    Can’t have copyrighted materials

    Specialty night:
    We are going to do specialty night with pumpkin scissors
    Baccano will need to wait until voting
    Cosplay night- Jacque as speaker? Friends as speaker? Brainstorming, how to cosplay, using sewing machine, wigs/contacts, youtube videos with good advice
    Can’t do double discount
    Late February/early march,

    Ghibli night: advertised to ITS and found out not copyright, stay as late as you want, food/booze, farewell party, instructions to get to Jacque’s place: contact and officer

    Avatar photoDoallem

    How, pray tell, would I be able to get results to Lilia and Lydia by Thursday, if I myself don’t get the end results until Friday?

    Avatar photoHuyu

    Basically look at which shows are in the lead, figure out how many people still need to vote, and how many votes it would take to change the outcome. So, basically tell them the shows that have a chance of winning. If it is clear that no matter how people vote a show won’t get in don’t tell them that show.

    So, yeah, not just the two that are in the lead but any show that could pass them by.

    Avatar photoHuyu

    Oh, yeah, if Hellsing Ultimate has a chance of winning you don’t need to bother getting it since I have Jacque’s DVD of it.


    I didn’t say get the results, I said let them know what is LIKELY to be the winners so they can be prepared

    Avatar photoHuyu

    Jacque suggests getting all the ones that look like they could win. If it only has one vote don’t bother getting it. She also says to get all of the show at once as soon as you know what you’ll need. Also, get the third place show so that if one of them finishes during the semester that there won’t be a problem starting up the next show.

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